Sunday, September 13, 2009

Handing it over.

As a child, I was horrible when it came to working with groups. I couldn't stand the thought that my grade was at the mercy of someone else, I have always been a little of a control freak. I have always thought no one would do it like I would (not saying my way was right but it was still MY way). After last week I have learned the hard way that sometimes you just need to surrender and hand it over. It seems like anything that could go wrong has gone wrong over the past week. I noticed that my car was starting to overheat, my husband downloaded a program on my computer that deleted several important files, Noah got sent home from daycare with a temperature, an old man was rude with me, my computer got hacked and you are probably getting the point by now it was a BAD week. Oh yeah, and my son is moving to the big boys room (if your not a mom you may not understand the emotions this brings). Being the type A person I am, I have tried to fix each problem but have found myself drowning with disappointment, frustration, and fear. I was sitting in church today and felt those tears welling up again and it was just such a relief to let them go and cry (I mean really cry). It felt so good just to be vulnerable and know that it is okay. As I sat there i just prayed to God and handed it all over to Him, he knows my burdens even before I bring them to Him. I have been so caught up in what I thought was wrong that I overlooked all that is good. It is so easy to keep wanting more of life but unfortunately that hunger will never be filled unless feed our spiritual hunger. I love how I arrived at church feeling empty and overwhelmed but left with a fullness and the energy to attack anything that is thrown my way. This is a song from the wonderful movie "Fireproof" if you are married this movie is a must. Even if your aren't married it is still a must.


  1. Ugh, that's horrible, we all have those weeks every now and then. Did you get your car fixed? My husband is a mechanic.

  2. I did thank you so much though! Everything is much better now :)
