Josh used to tell me how much my independence impressed him and to be honest it also used to impress me. I thought I was really strong and that overall I made really wise decisions, (not always but for the most part). I used to think that I was the one who controlled my life which frequently got me in trouble with my mother. Flashfoward to married life I realize how much I depend on Josh for EVERYTHING! If I receive good news he is the first person I call, I just want to share evrything with him. Josh is a fabulous husband and amazing father but I have come to realize that I have been using him as my foundation in life. He has always been the sturdy ground that has held me together, the only problem with this is no matter how amazing I know he his, Josh is still just human and not exempt from failing. We have quickly outgrown our home and have been looking at houses everywhere throughout Morgantown. We found this great house in a great neighborhood that was twice the square footage as our current house and to beat it all the price was awesome. After further research we found that the house has a cracked foundation and that was the deal breaker. Unfortunately this house was not built on sturdy ground giving it a faulty foundation. This made me think about how I have built my life on faulty foundations and the only true Rock to build on is through Jesus.
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