I was driving home after an evening of last minute shopping and just singing to the radio when I started to think back to last year's Christmas Eve. I was on call so Josh and I stayed here in Morgantown, it was also the first time we attended our church's Christmas Eve service. The whole service was just amazing from singing the best Christmas songs and Pastor Tim's message was wonderful as always, but what brought me to tears was how the service was closed. For the last song we were each given a candle and to light while we continued to worship. We were sitting in the back of the church and I became speechless as I watched how one lit candle turned to another doubling the light and this continued as 2 became 4 and 4 became 8 and so on. I felt like a child as it occured to me this is the perfect example of being a Christian. Yes it is hard but you share your faith with a friend 1 becomes 2, then you both share again 2 becomes 4 and you get the picture. Can you just imagine what a sight if we would just let our light and savior shine. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Christmas just remember when you shopping for you never list and becoming inpatient because you have been in line for over 5 minutes that we are so Blessed.
Merry Christmas!!
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