Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bedtime Prayers

I will admit that as a little girl I slept in my moms bed way longer than I probably should have. Even the nights when I would attempt to be a big girl, I would start out in my bed but always ended up with mom by morning. I loved how at night once we hopped in bed she would snuggle me tight and instead of saying our nightime prayers we would sing them. Noah is finially at the point where he doesn't scream when we put him down for the night so I have been so blessed to begin this same tradition with my little guy. So for the past few weeks each night when I lay him down I sing his bedtime prayers to him and top it off with a kiss. Tonight Josh laid him down while I was cleaning up the kitchen and at first I thought he was just talking to Noah but I walked over to the steps and my heart melted as I heard Josh singing Noah his bedtime prayers. These are the little moments that make me stop and just thank God for his blessings.