If Jenny and I were any closer we would be joined at the hips. Jen and I met our very first day of our freshman year at WVU, she was a cute little innocent girl and I was just plain clueless. We automatically hit it off and even after I went back home to finish college we would always pick right back up as if we had never been apart. When Josh and I moved back to Morgantown I was thrilled to be so close to Jen again but after her husband graduated they moved from Morgantown, to New Mexico and now reside in Pittsburgh. Josh says he can always tell when I'm on the phone with Jen because we laugh nonstop which is completely true. Other than my husband this girl knows me inside and out (actually she can probably read me a little better than Josh can). When I was pregnant with Noah and past due I couldn't stand the thought of just sitting around and waiting so I got up grabbed some coffe from Panera's and headed to Pitts to hangout and make the time go by. On the way up I felt some cramping but seriouslly when you are that big EVERYTHING hurts and cramps so I figured oh well and kept on driving. Needless to say after spending 600 in Ikea, Lunch at Bucca, and a trip to Gap i decided I needed to head home. Thank God for cruise control cause I don't know how I would have made it back. After reassuring jen she should go on to work and that it was nothing, I ended up calling back at 11 to say we were having a baby. Be the amazing friend she is, Jen quickly faked being sick and was at my side in no time. She never left my side, literally she was there the whole time giving me strength and encouragement. When I needed advise on being a mom, I would ring up Jen even though she was not a mother yet herself. Fastforward moths later I had a dream that jen was pregnant so i call her and stated, "just wanted to let you know your knocked up" the best part is she had just found out THAT day she was pregnant...see how close we are? In July Jen gave birth to two of the most amazing little boys at 31 weeks. It was an honor to be there with her when she first was able to touch her boys. She is such a natural at being a mother. Now that both boys are home I couldn't wait to get my camera on them so here is a little twin teaser and the rest is soon to come.
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