Sunday, April 25, 2010

Giving Praise through the storms

I love the moments leading up to a Spring Thunder Storm. When I was a little girl my mom and I would cuddle up on the couch with a blanket and open the blinds to watch as the storm would make its way to our house. All of my senses just become alive and stimulated. The sudden change in temperature, the breeze on my face, the roll of thunder, and beautiful lightning just makes me feel so alive. I could see the clouds rolling in so after putting Noah to bed, I just snuck out on the back porch and cuddled up in a chair and enjoyed the moment. Sitting there I began to think back on the storms I have faced in life. Many times I have prayed and just felt like God wasn't listening but now looking back I am so thankful for His unanswered prayers. During college I was in a very unhealthy relationship and used to pray for God to make it work but He had much bigger plans for me. As the storm continued to roll in, it begin to rain and as the drops of rain landed on my skin I realized how God uses the storms of our lives to bring us closer to Him and the rain cleanses us of our burdens. I am just so thankful that God carries our burdens for us if we will only ask.

1 comment:

  1. And what a blessing we got when there was not
    one but two rainbows that followed the storm.
    I thank God for blessing me with you!!
