Monday, October 4, 2010

Dear Blog are you there? It's me Candice.

I am in the process of having someone design me a new blog so I have been waiting to post on my much anticipated new blog. But tonight fills me with the need to process thoughts and life. Yes if you read this blog I am a photographer and this was designed for me to share my recent shoots of clients but now I enjoy posting shoots and sharing my thoughts on being a wife, a mother, photographer, business owner and attempting the status of "super woman".
My favorite part of being a wedding photographer is watching two people in love dedicating their lives to each other. I love the moment in the ceremony when they both give one another that special look that is meant only for them. Thinking back to my own wedding, my face hurt from smiling the whole day, but no matter how sore my face was there was nothing in this world that could take that smile off my face. I remember the dreams we shared how I wanted to go to nurse anesthetist school and Josh was applying for pharmacy school. We moved into our first house and sorta got the boot less than 6 months later right before Christmas. We even had to tear down our tree before we had the chance to unwrap a single gift. Our amazing friends allowed us to stay in their house since it was on the market but the only problem was they had taken all the appliances with them when they moved and I mean everything including the microwave. Less than 2 weeks into our stay the water pipes froze and we had no water for over a week so we had to get up SUPER early to find a place to shower before heading to work and school. For 2 months we ate fast food and meals that should never have been prepared with a crock pot. But even through it all we didnt have a care in the world because we had each other and we had love. Looking back all I can do is laugh at how naive we were.


  1. What kind of friend would leave you without even a microwave?? As I recall, since you were also without a dryer, you had to air dry your delicate undergarments from the mantle. Sigh...and I wondered why that house never sold!

  2. Hey Kid,
    I remember visiting you at THAT house and
    seem to recall a very nice wine cooler that was still functionable. Must admit the air mattress with the slow leak was uncool.
